

PADF has worked in the Caribbean since the 1980s, partnering with civil society, local governments, private sector, and the international development community to support vulnerable populations.

Our programs focus on creating economic opportunities; strengthening peace, justice, and security; preparing and responding to disasters; promoting environmentally sustainable community development; and addressing humanitarian issues.

PADF activities aim to promote the use of social crime prevention methodologies and enhance the capacity of young people, police, justice sector, and other government officials to work together on citizen security challenges; address the needs of at-risk communities, families, and youth through crime prevention activities such as workforce development; advance community-driven development; develop small and medium-size enterprises to generate sustainable employment; support disaster preparedness and mitigation; and provide protection and assistance to migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers.

Eastern Caribbean Business Resilience Challenge
The Challenge seeks to support ventures, public-private-civil partnerships, or other collaborations or organizations.
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A Story of Hope
A children’s illustration book that tells the story of Venezuelan migration through the experience of Gabriela and her mother.
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In this interview, founders of the Regal Consultancy Service in Guyana discuss how PADF inspired their new venture.
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Tides of Change
Countering Violence and Discrimination against LGBTI Communities in the Eastern Caribbean.
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A Story of Hope
A children’s illustration book that tells the story of Venezuelan migration through the experience of Gabriela and her mother.
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