PADF’s work in Mexico spans decades including reconstruction in the wake of Mexico’s 1985 earthquake. PADF’s methodology for work in Mexico is to build multi-sector alliances in which resources from several sources can be combined to work towards common goals. This approach has been used across work to reduce human trafficking and child labor, as well as work on a broader community level.

Current work spans the area of human rights with work to protect the rights of vulnerable populations including persons with disabilities, as well as work to prevent migration and protect migrant rights. PADF is also invested in promoting dignified work opportunities in Mexico, including support to domestic workers, construction personnel and others who can be supported in building their capacity and advocating for improved labor conditions. At the same time, building on its longstanding work on disaster preparedness and reconstruction, PADF works with vulnerable communities in areas affected by earthquakes and other hazards so they can rebuild from past disasters and be prepared for the future. Overall, PADF’s work in Mexico is focused on reaching population groups and communities that are the most vulnerable while linking them to support networks and resources that can assist in their advancement.

Latest Highlights

“Hoy quiero enseñar a otras personas sobre lo que se puede vivir en la ruta migratoria”
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Las acciones de PADF en México
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PADF y la industria automotriz de SLP en diálogo con el Embajador Ken Salazar
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Podcast: Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos de las Mujeres en México
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Conectando Culturas
Inglés Básico para Mujeres Oaxaqueñas
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Morelos: Vicente's Story
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Recent Highlights


With support from the Government of Canada, PADF is working to strengthen Mexican industrial sectors and guarantee compliance with labour legislation

Publimetro, “Celebra PADF 60 años de apoyar a poblaciones vulnerables en América Latina y El Caribe”, September 10, 2022

Diario 24, “Celebra PADF 60 años de apoyar a poblaciones vulnerables en América Latina y El Caribe”, September 10, 2022

El Universal, “Piden visibilizar condiciones de trabajo doméstico”, September 9, 2022

Pulso Diario de San Luis, “Piden visibilizar condiciones de trabajo doméstico”, September 9, 2022

Milenio, Op-ed: “Nuestra interdependencia es nuestra fortaleza”, September 7, 2022

El Universal, “La Fundación Panamericana para el Desarrollo celebra 60 años en México con recital de Filipa Giordano”, September 7, 2022

88.9 Noticias, Entrevista con Valeria Uribe, September 6, 2022

Fórmula Noticias, Entrevista con Jed Hoffman, September 4, 2022

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