Arte, música, cuentos y mini-charlas con mujeres inspiradoras.
4 de abril de 2024
This side event to the UN General Assembly serves as an opportunity to amplify the voices of victims and civil society organizations as a means for international stakeholders to learn about the situation of religious freedom in Nicaragua and Venezuela. The event will bring together representatives of religious congregations, governments, international organizations, civil society organizations, and academia to better understand the risks and challenges of professing faith and religion in totalitarian regimes such as those from Nicaragua and Venezuela.
September 21, 2023
Conversaremos con mujeres que han estudiado y vivido la privación de la libertad en América Latina. Acompáñanos a conversar, desde una perspectiva feminista, sobre las causas, consecuencias y posibles soluciones, incluyendo medidas alternativas a la prisión.
30 de agosto de 2023
A panel on how to use data to improve journalist security in Latin America was conducted by Voces del Sur with four leading experts in the field: Judith Matloff, University of Columbia School of Journalism Professor and researcher at the Dart Journalism Center for Journalism and Trauma; Nicholas Benequista, Senior Director of the Center for International Media Assistance at the National Endowment for Democracy; Dagmar Thiel, CEO of Fundamedios USA; and Paula Saucedo, Protection and Defense Program Officer at Article 19. Panelists analyzed the challenges faced by the press in Latin America and offered recommendations for democracies in the region to strengthen protection for journalists.
August 15, 2023
¿Cómo han logrado las organizaciones de mujeres influir en los marcos de protección de los derechos de las niñas y mujeres en América Latina y el Caribe? ¿Hay estrategias que han funcionado mejor?
16 de junio de 2023
¿Qué estamos haciendo para erradicar el trabajo infantil en Honduras? El proyecto busca incrementar la acción colectiva para prevenir trabajo infantil, a través del fortalecimiento de capacidades a OCSs, organizaciones de trabajadoras y trabajadores, brindará apoyo a iniciativas locales orientadas a promover derechos laborales, así como la implementación de campañas de sensibilización sobre el trabajo infantil.
9 de junio de 2023
¿Qué estamos haciendo para erradicar el trabajo infantil en El Salvador? El proyecto busca incrementar la acción colectiva para prevenir trabajo infantil, a través del fortalecimiento de capacidades a OCSs, organizaciones de trabajadoras y trabajadores, brindará apoyo a iniciativas locales orientadas a promover derechos laborales, así como la implementación de campañas de sensibilización sobre el trabajo infantil.
6 de junio de 2023
Participarán las representante de tres de los fondos de mujeres más importante de América Latina: Elena Rey (Fondo Lunaria), María Paz Becerra (Fondo Alquimia) y Tania Turner (Fondo Semillas), quienes compartirán sus ideas y recomendaciones para fortalecer las propuestas de financiamiento para proyectos que buscan garantizar los derechos humanos de las mujeres y/o la eliminación de la violencia de género. El conversatorio lo moderará Anya Victoria de PADF.
19 de mayo de 2023
Applications are now open and will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The deadline for final submission of applications is June 1, 2023.
PADF is pleased to participate in this discussion on how climate resilience and pollution impact mental health, which will take place in English with Spanish interpretation. PADF Program Coordinator Maya Sterling will offer insights from our environmental sustainability programs in Latin America and the Caribbean.
March 22, 2023
Regional Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Workshop: PADF is organizing a strategic workshop in Mexico City for women-led organizations from Colombia, Chile, Mexico, and Uruguay supported through our grants. The goal is to foster the exchange of resources, experiences, and good practices to prevent and respond to GBV. Stay tuned for more information!
December 6-8, 2022
Join us to discuss funding practices that have been unintentionally harmful and concrete ideas to enhance the current funding system.
September 22, 2022
Under the framework of the UN General Assembly, the event “Human Portraits: Stories from Political Prisoners in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela” will bring together representatives of governments, international organizations, civil society organizations, and academia to better understand and discuss the current situation of Cuban, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan political prisoners by hearing firsthand testimony from victims and their families, as well as local organizations fighting daily to protect the rights of this vulnerable population.
The event is organized in coordination with Cuba Decide, Se Humano, and Justicia, Encuentro y Perdon and can be attended in-person or online.
September 19, 2022
PADF will host a press conference in Mexico City to launch the Voces del Sur Shadow Report 2021. Stay tuned for more information!
September 6, 2022
The first-ever regional STEM Americas event will bring together future leaders from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, and Peru to celebrate aerospace innovation. The mission is part of the Pan American Development Foundation’s (PADF) STEM Americas program, an education initiative to promote sustainable livelihoods throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.
Date: TBD
This event has been postponed.
PADF, in partnership with the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, will hold a series of virtual seminars in which national and international experts will share experiences and good practices in the implementation of citizen security projects in rural areas.
July 14, 2022
Migrants and mobile populations can encounter many challenges in accessing essential health care services due to several factors including irregular immigration status, language barriers, a lack of migrant-inclusive health policies and inaccessibility of services. These disparities can impact the well-being of migrants and host communities and undermine the realization of global health goals, such as preventing, treating, and eliminating HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, and human influenza.
July 1, 2022
En el marco del Día Mundial del Refugiado, el proyecto Integrando Horizontes en Perú organiza la II Feria STEAM “Programación que trasciende fronteras”. Síguenos este 25 de junio y 2 de julio, a las 10 a.m. (Perú, UTC-5). Participan escolares de Lima Sur y Callao, presentando proyectos de aplicativos móviles para promover la convivencia en sus escuelas.
25 de junio y 2 de julio de 2022
In the framework of the IX Summit of the Americas, this event seeks to bring together government representatives, international organizations, and civil society to discuss tools and concrete actions on regional migration governance, share best practices and lessons learned, and review the role of regional mechanisms to respond to migration and forced displacement. The event can be attended in person or online.
June 9, 2022
In the framework of the IX Summit of the Americas, the Latin American Human Rights Consortium invites you to this event, which can be attended in person or online.
June 8, 2022
No dia 2 de junho, quinta-feira, acontece o I Colóquio Internacional sobre Trabalho Análogo ao de Escravo na Pecuária no Estado do Pará, Brasil. O evento é uma realização da Fundação Pan-Americana para o Desenvolvimento (PADF) em parceria com a Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), e tem como objetivo a troca de experiências relativas ao tema de trabalho análogo ao de escravo na cadeia produtiva da pecuária, no Pará.
2 de junho de 2022
En Medios y Democracia en las Américas V hablaremos sobre la supervivencia del periodismo en América Latina. El evento es organizado por Fundamedios, Inter American Dialogue, Voces del Sur, y el Institute for Advanced Study of the Americas de la University of Miami. Cuenta con el auspicio de PADF, School of Communications University of Miami y Open Society Foundation.
30-31 marzo 2022
PADF will convene feminist defenders of the environment to amplify their voices, combat silence, and raise international awareness. This meeting seeks to generate new partnerships and ideas that bolster reflection on the resistance and defense of the land from a decolonial, ecofeminist perspective.
March 23, 2022
Join this discussion about efforts the U.S. and multilateral and regional partners must take to address vaccination challenges and prepare for future pandemics in Latin America and the Caribbean. The event is organized by the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ Americas Program and Project on Prosperity and Development and will feature PADF Chief Program Officer Dr. Elizabeth Fox.
December 14, 2021
Desde Voces del Sur Unidas, realizaremos el foro “Los desafíos de mujeres periodistas en América Latina”. Ven, escucha a mujeres referentes e inspírate con sus historias y experiencias.
8 de diciembre de 2021
PADF Program Manager Chloe Zoeller will moderate this workshop on how civil society can recommend perpetrators for human rights and anti-corruption sanctions in the U.S., U.K, and European Union.
December 8, 2021
PADF le invita a un intercambio técnico con científicos de la Administración Nacional de Aeronáutica y el Espacio (NASA). Durante este evento, las personas participantes conocerán los productos, herramientas y capacitaciones de la NASA.
2 de diciembre de 2021
¿Cuáles son los retos que enfrentan las mujeres con discapacidad para vivir una vida libre de violencia de género en América Latina? ¿Qué acciones están implementando las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en respuesta a la violencia de género desde el enfoque interseccional?
30 de noviembre de 2021
La Fundación Panamericana para el Desarrollo – FUPAD y La oficina de Población, Refugiados y Migración (BPRM) del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, quiere invitarlos a participar del evento de clausura para el programa Integrando Horizontes.
27 de agosto de 2021
FUPAD, en coordinación con académicos, entidades gubernamentales, agencias de cooperación y autoridades étnicas, dará, el 26 de agosto de 2021, una mirada al proceso de atención humanitaria con comunidades étnicas, a partir de las diferentes experiencias obtenidas.
26 de agosto de 2021