El Salvador

PADF’s work in El Salvador involves work on a country specific level, as well as support to participation in regional networks. PADF has worked with local partners to promote and strengthen the capacity of local civil society to provide services and defend the rights of vulnerable populations, including persons displaced by violence, returned migrants, women, youth, adolescents, and human rights defenders. Initiatives have included awareness-raising efforts, the generation of institutional norms and processes, and the establishment of legal mechanisms to monitor cases of violence.

PADF also promotes the defense of human rights on a national and regional level through the local data collection and analysis along with regional advocacy efforts. These includes the generation of evidence and knowledge for decision making on human mobility, forced internal displacement, and migration. PADF also recognizes the importance of these processes and evidence-based interventions to address citizen security, the defense of democratic spaces and related issues, which represent some of the greatest challenges facing the country today.

In collaboration with partners, PADF is working to promote labor rights, access to justice, and decent working conditions through support to labor unions and labor rights promoters. PADF also supports vulnerable populations by promoting entrepreneurship and economic opportunities, helping women to harness the power of financial literacy, household contingency and business continuity planning, community assessment tools, and technology to identify critical challenges facing their communities, as well as emerging opportunities to achieve lasting prosperity. Such efforts have allowed PADF to promote greater family and community resilience through a disaster preparedness and capacity-building lens.

Teaching STEAM and Human Rights in El Salvador
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A Dream With My Own Seasoning
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Supporting the Reintegration of Returned Migrants in Central America
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Women in entrepreneurship and disaster resilience
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The Struggle for Transitional Justice in El Salvador
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Teaching STEAM and Human Rights in El Salvador
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A Dream With My Own Seasoning
Meet Sandra
Supporting the Reintegration of Returned Migrants in Central America
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Women in entrepreneurship and disaster resilience
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The Struggle for Transitional Justice in El Salvador
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Proyecto “Empoderamiento y oportunidades laborales dignas e innovadoras para jóvenes salvadoreñas en áreas STEM” | MujerProspera Challenge One-Pager

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