Human Rights and Citizen Participation

It is critical to ensure the respect for human rights, citizen participation, transparency and accountability in order to achieve sustainable development and build a strong democracy. Through this lens, PADF implements actions that promote human rights, increase the capacity of civil society to foster transparency and accountability in public policies, as well as support the regularization of public policies at the various government levels in Ecuador.

PADF provides technical assistance and resources to civil society organizations and public and private sector institutions across the country. We work with Ecuadorian civil society partners to promote human rights and implement awareness campaigns to foster the rights of the most vulnerable groups, including indigenous populations, migrants, Afro-descendants, women, youth, and others. Our work also includes support to migrants through technical assistance. PADF also coordinates initiatives with civil society and public and private sectors to increase transparency and accountability and strengthen democracy in Ecuador.

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566 journalists trained

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1,479 human rights defenders trained

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18 civil society organizations strengthened

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