PADF Response to Covid-19

The Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) is supporting vulnerable communities throughout Latin America and the Caribbean during the COVID-19 pandemic. PADF is providing immediate assistance in the most urgent areas of response to mitigate the impact on local health systems, promote public awareness on prevention and response, and prepare for economic recovery.

PADF is also offering virtual STEM education to students and training teachers to deliver online lessons, monitoring human rights violations as governments implement national responses to COVID-19 that can erode citizen trust in public institutions, and supporting local community policing efforts as crime and violence rise while justice and security checks and balances are temporarily halted or scaled back.

With nearly 60 years of experience across the region and strong partnerships with local communities, civil society, and public sector, PADF is uniquely positioned to offer assistance in key areas of response to COVID-19. PADF has extensive in-country networks and an established track-record of effective project management through on-the ground and virtual collaboration. With sound financial controls, we can quickly facilitate remote procurements and payments through mobile and e-vouchers.

PADF is also offering virtual STEM education to students and training teachers to deliver online lessons, monitoring human rights violations as governments implement national responses to COVID-19 that can erode citizen trust in public institutions, and supporting local community policing efforts as crime and violence rise while justice and security checks and balances are temporarily halted or scaled back.


With nearly 60 years of experience across the region and strong partnerships with local communities, civil society, and public sector, PADF is uniquely positioned to offer assistance in key areas of response to COVID-19. PADF has extensive in-country networks and an established track-record of effective project management through on-the ground and virtual collaboration. With sound financial controls, we can quickly facilitate remote procurements and payments through mobile and e-vouchers.

Areas of Response and Impact

PADF is providing immediate and long-term support to communities and local institutions as they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. We continuously measure and evaluate our impact to ensure we are achieving meaningful and lasting results.

Animation: Our Response to COVID-19 in 2020

Education and Awareness

Haitian artist BIC has come up with a new song, informing people of public health guidelines in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and how to wash their hands properly.

View and download more of our public awareness materials:

Our Team at Work

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