Colombia Hero


PADF works closely with the Colombian Government (GOC) to support internally displaced families in their journeys to comprehensive reparation under the Victim’s Law, and integration into their new host communities. We work in the most politically unstable regions of the country to strengthen community leaders and empower communities to participate in local politics. As part of our work with communities, we facilitate the recognition of diversity and the reconstruction of the social fabric, contributing to the implementation of the GOC’s Territorial Development Programs (PDET).

We foster public policy implementation through technical assistance to local civil society organizations with an anticorruption agenda and strengthen citizen oversight of public spending. Across our programs, we mainstream gender based violence prevention through information sessions regarding existing services, training public officials, and disseminating helpline information through our social media platforms.

From Confinement to Empowerment
The Wounaan Overcome Armed Conflict in Chocó
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PADF and USAID/BHA Partnership Aids Over 24k Displaced and Confined Persons in Colombia
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Creating new opportunities for migrant women in Colombia
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Integrating horizons
Irasmy de los Ángeles Campos Salazar
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integrating horizons
Jhonny Chacín
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The Wounaan Overcome Armed Conflict in Chocó
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PADF and USAID/BHA Partnership Aids Over 24K Displaced and Confined Persons
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Creating new opportunities for migrant women
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Integrating horizons
Irasmy de los Ángeles Campos Salazar
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integrating horizons
Jhonny Chacín
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Roberto Obando

Roberto Obando

Country Director for Colombia


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