Climate Accountability

In March 2020, the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) became a signatory of the InterAction NGO Climate Compact. PADF reaffirmed its commitment to climate accountability in April 2023 becoming a signatory of the NGO Climate Compact 2.0. This commitment remains the backbone of our climate accountability efforts and sustainability across our operations and interventions in the Americas.

A primary pillar of PADF’s climate accountability work is an annual measurement of our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, starting off with a baseline of our emissions from fiscal year 2019.

PADF will be adopting updated emission and waste reduction plans with actionable goals in our next Strategic Plan for 2025-2027. Integrating our operational sustainability with our broader strategy ensures a more holistic approach to sustainability. We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and enhancing environmental stewardship in all aspects of our work.

For questions about PADF’s sustainability initiatives, you can email us at

PADF's Green Team

At the end of 2021, PADF launched a Green Team, a working group of colleagues representing eight of our offices across Latin America and the Caribbean, multiple departments, and various levels of seniority within PADF. The Green Team holds regular meetings to plan and execute sustainability initiatives across the organization.


Cambio climático en Brasil: Impactos y el camino por recorrer

El cambio climático ha impactado cada vez más nuestras vidas y es posible sentir sus efectos en todo el planeta. Los desastres naturales se han intensificado, y especialmente para Brasil, este es un tema costoso.

Q&A: PADF Haiti Office Transitions to Solar Panels

A Q&A between Program Coordinator Maya Sterling and Haiti Country Director Cédrelle Jean Louis

Visiting Ecuador’s UNESCO Global Geopark

Laguna Cuicocha Ecuador
PADF Green Team members in Ecuador recount their visit to the Imbabura Global Geopark.


PADF’s Emissions (PDF)

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