TRABALHO JUSTO: Combatting Forced Labor in the Cattle Ranching Sector in Pará, Brazil

Through the “Trabalho Justo” project, the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) seeks to improve institutional mechanisms to reduce the incidence of forced labor in the cattle ranching supply chain by focusing on prevention, protection, and prosecution activities in seven key southeastern municipalities in the Brazilian Amazonian state of Pará.


  • Improve the prevention of forced labor violations in the cattle ranching sector in Pará.
  • Increase access to comprehensive, victim-centered protection for survivors of forced labor trafficking in Pará. 
  • Improve prosecution of forced labor crimes in the cattle ranching sector in Pará.


  • Conduct analysis of Brazilian national, state, and local level support services offered and identify service gaps for forced labor survivors.
  • Conduct research to map the barriers to adjudicating forced labor crimes in the cattle ranching sector in Pará.
  • Conduct most comprehensive research study to date on the prevalence of forced labor in Pará’s cattle ranching sector.
  • Implement awareness raising campaign targeting communities vulnerable to forced labor on how to identify, prevent, and respond to the issue.
  • Facilitate Know-Your-Rights (KYR) workshops to educate vulnerable communities on labor rights and how to identify forced labor conditions pertaining to the cattle industry.
  • Strengthen and institutionalize referral networks by facilitating coordination between legal services providers and other support services for survivors and their families.
  • Support local partners through a subgrant fund to provide direct services to assist with case management, crisis intervention, victim advocacy, legal assistance, mental health, and community reintegration services to survivors, family members, and workers vulnerable to forced labor conditions.
  • Implement training program for Brazilian labor inspectors, local, and national police on best practices and protocols for identifying violations of forced labor and collection of evidence in forced labor cases.
  • Implement training program to build prosecutor and judicial capacity and develop protocols to facilitate movement of forced labor cases through the legal system.


Best Practices for Post-Rescue of Forced Labor Survivors

Mapping Barriers to Adjudication

Animations and Videos


Combating modern slavery in Brazil: estimated prevalence and vulnerability profile of forced and compulsory labor in cattle ranching in Pará, Brazil

Combatting Forced Labor in the Cattle Ranching Industry in Pará, Brazil 

Labor Exploitation in the Cattle Sector Infographic


Technical Cooperation Agreement between Un Global Compact Brazil and PADF Will Promote Engagement of the Private Sector of Cattle Ranching In Pará In The Fight Against Forced Labor

PADF Signs Mou With The Pará Bar Association (OAB/PA) To Combat Forced Labor In Pará

ABA ROLI and PADF Facilitate Know Your Rights Workshops for More Than 90 Workers and Community Leaders in Rural Areas of Pará, Brazil

First Seminar on Forced Labor in the Livestock and Gold Mining Production Chains in Pará, Brazil

PADF and Brazilian Secretary of State for Justice and Human Rights in Pará Sign MOU

National Day to Combat Modern Slave Labor in Brazil

U.S. flag

Program to End Modern Slavery (PEMS) Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
This website article was funded by a grant from the United States Department of State. The opinions, findings and conclusions stated herein are those of the author[s] and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Department of State.

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