PADF’s ongoing work in Brazil is focused on supporting the most vulnerable populations in the country. The portfolio includes serving migrants and refugees from Venezuela, as well as at-risk communities like forced labor victims. PADF’s approach in Brazil combines partnering with a diverse group of individuals at the community level, while also collaborating with public sector officials to build capacity and support service delivery to those who need it.

Current PADF programming includes protecting Venezuelan migrants and refugees in various Brazilian cities and providing them professional training, such as Portuguese classes and job skills. PADF is working toward Venezuelans socio-economic integration into the country by preparing them to enter the labor market. In addition, PADF is supporting efforts to prevent forced labor, refer and provide survivors to specialized services, as well as fostering government efforts to bring perpetrators to justice.

Previously, PADF contributed to upgrading the medical services at the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto in Rio de Janeiro. PADF also has promoted the preservation of green urban areas, protection of endangered Araucaria forests, and improved public understanding of conservation. PADF has supported Brazilian initiatives and organizations by linking them with corporate donors, sending in-kind donations, and mobilizing support from the Brazilian diaspora in the United States.

Video: PADF in Brazil


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