PADF has developed partnerships with public and private sectors, universities, local and national governments, and community-based organizations to foster sustainable environments, disaster preparedness and response, and access to justice. Our work in Belize enhances the technical capabilities of government officials, business leaders, and community members.
Through these partnerships, PADF has supported hazard mapping and the identification of disaster risks, community-based early warning systems, emergency planning, disaster simulations, and small-scale infrastructure improvements to enhance water resource management. In collaboration with the Belizean tourism industry, PADF has also been involved in the restoration and protection of mangrove forests and other endangered coastal environments.
PADF has supported justice reform efforts in Belize, providing expert guidance and technical assistance to justice sector officials. This assistance has aided the judiciary to overcome critical barriers and bottlenecks that have long limited access to justice. PADF’s work has emphasized enhancing institutional organization, strengthening prosecutions, and improving forensic services. These efforts have been instrumental to combatting the illicit drug trade, money laundering, trafficking in persons, and other challenges facing the criminal justice system.
Coverage of Prosecutor Trainings, August 2022
I believed that there was need for better development and training of the prosecutors. My prosecutors are police prosecutors who go up every day in the magistrates court against trained attorneys, so I believe that they needed to build more confidence."
Alifa Elrington, Head of National Prosecution Branch